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To Stay as a Human or a Cat?

Updated: Jan 28, 2022

A Whisker Away is a film, by Junichi Satoh and Tomotaka Shibayama, that tells a story about a high school girl, named Miyo, who received the power to turn into a cat, just so that she can be close to her one-sided high school crush, Hinode. I know, creepy, right?

In the beginning of this film, we can actually observe how the directors wanted us to see that Miyo, as one of the main protagonist, is an energetic, determined, and a very cheerful person. However, despite all of the fun personalities that she has been showing to us, I can't help but to still wonder, why does she feels so attached to this Hinode person? What is so special about him that she feels so infatuated towards him? Because if you asked me, all I see is a rude and arrogant person. Although, I do think that Miyo should also be blamed on her part, since her way of pursuing him can be quite annoying. So here's the thing, I eventually got all of my questions being answered as the story progressed.

From this film, I do learn that, even in reality, sometimes the happiest person is actually hiding a very painful thing inside themselves, and they will eventually start to run away from the reality. Other than that, sometimes when we think that we should be selfish for the sake of ourselves, we should also think how our selfishness might influence other people, is it a positive influence or negative? Because you will never know that letting go of your ego and be selfless, can actually save someone.

I think that those, whose age start from teenagers and above, would understand this film better. I didn't say that kids cannot watch this film, but the film has quite complex emotions to be conveyed, they can watch it, but some would probably lose focus halfway of the film, and might only be interested with the cats' world featured.

From an innocent, naive obsession, the movie slowly escalated and responded to every single question that you might or might not wonder while watching. I personally do enjoy how the film's plot progressed steadily, and not too overwhelming, although it does carries heavy messages to be conveyed, a fantasy element is being implemented in order to do so.

I would definite recommend this movie to those who have put this movie in their "to watch", wishlist. 9/10 NESTED! If you're looking for a not-so-typical anime, this should definitely be in your list. What do you, ReviewNesters think? Do you enjoy the movie as much as I do? Share your thoughts with us!

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