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Time to cheat your way through "Bad Genius"!

This movie proved why a true movie lover should not just stick to one industry or region rather keep on exploring regional and world cinema because a beauty like this can be found anywhere and you mustn't miss it..

This also made it clear that not only a movie with lot of twists and action can be thrilling but a beautiful portrayal of a simple story possess a potential to bring you on the edge of your seat.

A very suitably paced movie all through the 130 minutes.

It does well to provide that very much required intensity and turns.

Right from the very start, the film builds up the plot not just focusing the lead role but also the side actors.

The good touch of humor and comedy aids to its beauty .

I had a wonderful time watching this movie .

It was a indeed a heart-warming surprise perfectly blended with moral messages.

This was among the very few which you can watch with your family and recommend anyone.

An apt depiction of the proverb "Money can't buy u happiness" which was clear at the end.

I cannot expect an ending like this of such a thrilling and intriguing drama.

How a small help by Lynn to her friend Grace turned out to become a heist with several members including Grace's boyfriend Pat.

The point where Bank reveals the truth and the ending where he asks Lynn to again join him are total contrasting.

Lynn's Piano keys technique, Bank joining the team & being attacked by goons of Pat, Demanding extra money at the last moment, Lynn escaping from the exam hall, Devising out plans to transfer answers ..all this made me believe of a different ending.

A perfect example of what called a sleek beauty and a brilliant piece of directing with an exhilarating experience.

At last, the intelligent and high valued message which the drama provides through Lynn confessing the organization rejecting Bank's proposal and her father supporting her.

10/10, Nested.
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